Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Say No to Censorship on Internet Today: Act Now!

Remember a week ago when I joked about men in suits showing up because of a phrase I turned. Well... 

Today we take a stand against censorship by going dark and not participating in any social media or web based activity. Urge your representatives to vote against these bills. Or you may be next.

I could not see any online images on Google or today, all internet images are censored, without  freedom of posting and sharing images online, our life becomes dull, I feel instant boredom when I see the big black square blocking me from seeing what I wish to see, just as I was about wondering what's going on, I saw a post which explained everything going on today in the states and on website, thus I copy and pasted the original post (see above)  and added my own notes here on the bottom, please act to stop censorship against internet, we bloggers need to voice our opinions and make our freedom visual and relaxing...

I am not commenting today, will take a break and read books, think of my kids and do a nature walk, see you tomorrow.
best wishes.

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