Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Shadow Shot Sunday,

to the observatory...
 Image result for karl dean
 Image result for max barry

THIS WEEK'S WORDS come from "Regarding (Most) Songs" by Thomas Lux: voice, sing, trills, banal, primal, dumb, without, means, noise, plaintive, joyful, words

 Image result for karl dean  Dolly Parton
 Max Barry, Dolly Parton,
they form Branson singing talent

Warren Buffet, Ajit Jain,
they join Berkinstock and Alphabet, sightseeing Google

Megan Barry, Bruce Barry,
they will not forget Karl Dean, Jim Dean, and Meredith Rollin

Thomas Lux, Sam Lux,
they voice their food choice for Sichuan cousins

 trills and primals
dumb thumb may forget means of sctive index figures

plantive and joyful tomatoes
mouthful words and banal fruits, they jump ropes

in Silicon Valley, Apple Inc, Cisco, Pixco, Tuitt,
Hp, Dell, Microsoft, Yahoo, or Jingle Poetry Potluck

Branson and Florence,
both assemble bookmarks or simple knots from Conyers, Jackson, and Evanston

 Image result for sichuan dining chuan wei ju
 Image result for sichuan dining chuan wei ju  
Image result for joshua london        joshua London and iris pearce

Comfort Food [Friday My Town Shoot Out
 Image result for warren buffett 
Image result for sichuan food  

Image result for sichuan food
 Image result for karl dean