Sunday, February 1, 2015

all the time: An A plus something

i often
go nuts
on seasons.
like watching
the water flooding
the Han river
as a primary schooler
on Heliu street,
the dam becomes
low and weak-
containing fast speed raindrops,
a pregnant woman's bubble tummy,
anytime the water could break the dam,
and rushing fluid will occupy residents,
harboring boats will afloat
above the sea of water,
life gains and loses
at the same time.
a fish bone,
a snowdrop plant downstream,
it's spring in Autumn,
it's red cell in your Bloodstream.

about the perfect poet award, I gladly take it, and tag

 Bruce  and Neni  for week 80 Thursday poets rally, have a loving February.


  1. I think the blood is thicker than water.. lots of images here.. bringing it together at the end

  2. I especially love the image of the water flooding the Han river.......are you really blogging from Greenland? How wonderful! I went looking for info about you and cant find any - you live in what I have been told is a beautiful landscape.

  3. Greenland is a place near Europe, thanks,

  4. People who are pregnant, People who live near dams--I wish they could be prepared and not be subject to the seasons rages. Fine focus.

  5. excellent imagery.

  6. What lovely imagery in your poem. It's beautiful. I enjoyed it so much.

  7. Lovely imagery throughout; intense and fluid.

  8. Such wonderful imagery flowing through!
