Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Wildcat Guide Hour (4 Hyde Park Poetry Rally W70 and Short Story Slam Week 25)

Carved by the calmness,
Silent sea lies open to the sky,
I ride toward the imagery desert,
Each printed footstep whispers a tale,
The sun woos the shore
in simple nudity,
Nothing dark stirs, to expel the spell
cast by the hot waves,
To Heaven as bare, as pure as chaste,
White as the light, bold as the move,
The dunes cling sleepily,
Each to its proper position,
Among the fields this naked place
withholds some wildcards
that is assured to those
who wear purple or orange
in their cultural customs,
When victory is challenged to obtain,
Transformation is defined
at Northwestern Ryan Field...

 Image Credit: Googld.come, Kim Riding a horse, Ryan Field at Northwestern University


  1. smart poetry.

    love the ride.

  2. Very well written! Made everything seem so full of life; the sky, the sea, the beach.

    'Silent sea lies open to the sky,
    I ride toward the imagery desert,
    Each printed footstep whispers a tale,
    The sun woos the shore
    in simple nudity,'

    Enjoyed reading this. Blessings!


  3. very magical ride.

  4. cool poem from a real poet,

    keep it up.


  5. amazing words.

    love the whole picture your words painted here.

  6. well written piece.

  7. simply beautiful.
