Friday, November 20, 2015

Sesame Strret, Six Word Friday on Kind, and

S stands for Sesame Street


 Let's Go To Sesame Street, SSS...
Because Google Dot Com has bikes,
Kindness pays off lots of doubt,
Elmo, Sid, Marine, and Mitt shout

Sesame Place is a water park,
Frontier City is a yummy art,
when colorful spirals dance the wheels,
Patti, Ari, Jema, Kathleen give laugh

Amy Loper wears black silent looks,
Judy Blume writes sexy hot novels,
nameless scrapers peck on frozen dishes,
Wavely Wang left 10th grade, brimming

Say Sydney, San Diego, and Sony,
Sing Songs of Six Word Saturdays,
Sit, Swallow, Shop, Share, Stare, Spare,
Seal sickness of sinful thoughts--sharp!

 My Memory Art six word fridays

Six Word Fridays ~ Kind

Kindness Polishes The Day Like Raindrops
Adrienne for:

 Image result for black and white sunflowers

 My Memory Art

Wordle 225


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

ABC Wednesday, R is for raw poetry, Three Word Wednesday,

   photo 414b33bc-f574-4907-96ce-0857dadb8d29_zpsxdrpdsep.jpg
Raw poetry comes
when one's skills await until
well done
smoking sausages
the alternate of pork ribs 
rivers of overall friends 
peaceful flare to shuttling wars
radio shack wires up
lots of boxes of musical products
type a word or two
thoughts climb the screen via fingernails
Venom, fossil, or bones
ancient dinosaurs distract museum audiences

The Tuesday Platform

 Carpe Diem Haiku Writing Techniques #18 Yugen haiku

3WW Week No. 453


Whirligig 33 

Image result for raw poetry


black and white Wednesday

 Image result for black and white leaves
 Image result for black and white leaves

Joining Adrienne for:

when darkness envelopes our house
icy wind blows
behind the closed doors,
small mind shivers

shadowy figures move outside the window
a bat hangs upside down
as an owl hoots for attention
black and white thoughts combine to freeze 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday Prompts: Sunday Whirl, Poetry Pantry, and short story slam week 32


Wordle 223 

pine tree with teepee head, all green,
bon fire replaced by November sun,
October poets weeping, blue names,
Mary, Rosemary, Dsnake1 searching, word stone

screaming at the bridge of spies,
the last witch hunter blames none
write out vessel, body shape chocolate
sharp pencils sketch bleeding hearts

golden leaves sway,
red brick houses stay,
silver yaris toyota parks near,
the painter gives the saint wings to cheer.

never mind those hesitating party goers,
because this is the season of moon cakes,
and it is time to hang Cao lake on Finland,
and sow the seed of squash at Princess Kate's garden


Poetry Pantry #275

  short story slam week 32: how about stories or experiences unexpected?