Saturday, July 28, 2012

Let The Game Begin! London, England Jingles The Bell (July 27 - August 12, 2012)

July runs from us all,
Olympic games are heating up,
Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals
want to glitter through August 12,
What magical transformation:
Big daydreams flirt
under the umbrella of outstanding
International Olympic committee,
and sparkling open ceremony,
London, England jingles the noisy bell!
Ho ho ho,
Dropping out stars are previous time winners,
shifting cards make audiences cooking pots sizzle,
breath taking competitions in glory,
fame, tears, and regrets,
instant bitterish and revealing mindsets,
The Wall Street Journal,
The New York Times,
ABC, NBC, BBC, MSN, Wenxue City, and CNN,
All are busy with differing photographing,
It's about 100% tough contests,
It's about wit, virtue, and healthy workers,
Europe VS North America,
Asia VS Middle East,
The Middletons, The Williams, 

The Northwestern Evanston, 
and The Raun’s Soil Labs..
Children's Literature Experts,
PG-13 program designers,
The Kings and Queens,
The fans and sporty gangs,
Everyone is celebrating
under The Perfect Tower Bridge Fireworks,
and the wholesome Olympic Spirits..

Image Credit:, The New York Times, MSN via Yahoo, Wenxuecity Xinhua News.....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Short Story Slam Week 23: Today's Weather

 Image Credit: Meredith Storm

Thunder storms from Sand Springs,
and glittering daydreams
constantly appear...
First sight impression,
Desperate souls differ,
and clash above clouds without a halt,
Crushes transform into limitless fire,
July orchards, of leaves,
Fallen petals of pink flowers
with soft edges...
Orange seeds in yellow texture
and bitterish juices,
Oh, the rain you bring
goes down on earth,
then rises to branches of trees,
until the perfect wind
sends it flying,
higher and further,
back to wondrous clouds,
preparing for another serious weather...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fatherhood and Humor (Short Story Slam W22 and Funny Bunny Fridays W10)

Fists of play dough,
Colorful dreams, so and so;
Naked trees;
Puddles of sky,
Emotions run thunder loud, why?
High fever, panics,
Fruitful progress, cute tricks;
Heartfelt thoughts,
Evaporated words;
Home, hope, and hoses,
Family, friends, and choices;
Regardless what you choose,
You have to be aware of life’s taboos…

 Image Credit: