Thursday, November 12, 2020

humor week 57, poetry and story inn fridays week 89

 Winter Blossom | Wellspring Ensemble 

Your One-Stop 2020 Meme Collection – Voices of Monterey Bay   

Jenny Morrison - Wikipedia  jenny morison,

jenny morison, melania trump, scott morison, donald trump, 


Just Four States Predicted in 2019 to Determine Outcome of 2020  Presidential Race | National Popular Vote  

President Trump wins Texas primary |

Cartoons: With Warren out, 2020 election nears three-man race   

CBS News Calls Texas For President Donald Trump – CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Missouri voters again opt for Trump | Politics |

Republicans Are “Clustered” By County, Democrats Are “Clustered” By State  And District, Because “Clustering” Is Not Well-Defined. | by Xenocrypt |  Medium

lots of loud voice

cornelius groenewoud

michael yoder

ira gessel

david vogen

david jerison

james paget

michael pence

scott morrison

paul ryan...good thoughts rise

where do you find a good fish to dine?


  1. election is on november 3, 2020,
    what a tight race,
    good luck...

  2. we do believe that donald trump wins this 2020 election,
    keep the land grand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
