Thursday, May 31, 2012

Funny Bunny Friday Week 9: Love Has The Sense of Humor...Give Love 2 Your Loved Ones To Laugh Today...

The Sense of humor has the essence
which is fresh and tense,
It’s the quality
Conveying hope and energy,
Life has circumstances,
Nullifying the negativity requires creativity,
Humor diffuses the minus
And infuses the plus,
It arms us with new thoughts
And help us turn sorrows into happiness…
With the sense of humor shared with human kind,
I would feel good to chuckle, giggle,
In order to live my life to its fullest…
Love has the sense of humor by nature,
I’m in love with my creative and positive hubby,
Because he does many things to minimize issues
and the efforts he has put on me genuinely make me happy.
Distant laughter from me to you,
Hugs, stay upbeat and cool…..

 Image Credit: on Humor...

The Clinton House Museum (at Fayetteville, Arkansas): The Sweet Home of Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton!

The Clinton House Museum's located
at 930 California Blvd.,
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701,
Jingle has the flyer at home
which was taken from her March trip
in Arkansas and Missouri this year,
it reminds her of quality time spent
with Justin and Tom Lee Woo
knowing about John Blanchard,
Petit Jean, Kirby Birch, plus
Chinese acrostics.

Image Credit: on The Clintons....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Schedule @ Jingle Poetry International Platform & Group Via Blogger and Wordpress

Good Morning:

This is Taylor Kong Boomer, Stillwater Public School is out today, (ended on May 23),
Time for a break…I decide to have JP @ Olive Garden’s posting or running schedule
Published so that you know what to expect…Happy Summer! Enjoy A Fun Break!

May 24 --- May 30, Summer short break for officials…. No Posts

Poetry Picnic Week  37, May 31- , Picnic post is to be up on Sunday, June 3rd,

Poetry Picnic week 38, June 7-,  Picnic post is to be up on June 10th,

June 14 --- July 4,   Summer Vacation Time (3 weeks long) , No Posts at JP of Olive Garden, No Posts At Hyde Park Poetry of Thursday Poets Rally, etc….

Poetry Picnic Week 39, July 5- , Picnic post is to be up on Sunday, July 8, 2012…

Happy Rest of May,
Happy June ahead!

To Submit to Week 36 Poetry Picnic, click on link below (Extending deadline to June 2):

To Submit to Thursday Poets Rally Week 68, please share a free verse via link below:

Jingle Poetry International Platform & Group Via Blogger and Wordpress

Jingle Via Aya Wilson
Hyde Park Poetry @ The Poetry Palace
Jingle Poetry Community, 
Promising Poets Poetry Cafe At West Virginia
JP @ Olive Garden,
Mozilla Firefox Poetry at Promising Poets Parking Lot
Bluebell Books Twitter Club
The Purple Tree house @ The New York Time(S)quare 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I Vouch For Truce and Peace, Happy Birthday 2 Sheng, Please!

What do I Say
on this remarkable May Day?
While wars give peaceful land heat,
Wonderful minds become anxious to debate,
Apples and oranges,
We must take both for healthy growth,
Say NO to violence,
Speak against injustice,
Never mind someone else' individual freedom,
I vouch for truce and peace,
Happy Birthday 2 Sheng, please!

Image Credit:, Peace, Freedom, Birthday Wishes, Sheng, Tom, Woods...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day 2 U: Support JP-Jingle Poetry Rally for World Peace Month

Love glows in communications,
By now and by then,
Shimmery Microsoft whispers
A dramatic hue to any moment,
Pop goes the summer rain,
Morning elegance is swept up
by nightly intimacy,
Togather you woo, you yawn,
You mingle in the depth of jungle,
T-mobiles grill the sizzling Tanya music,
Woohoo, JP band soaks August plan,
Fuji camera banks up May balance,
Life gets Bounty,
Time becomes homely,
May is Jingle Poetry (JiPo) Rally for World Peace Month,
Pamper yourself now,
 Joy and Huggies,
Happy Mother’s Day 2 Positive Moms…

 Image Credit:, on Jingle Poetry, mother's Day wishes, Rally for World Peace Month from JiPo, Jingle Paul, Thursday Poets Rally, Bluebell Books, Hyde Park, Olive Garden, The Purple Tree house, Poetry Platforms, Poetry Promotions...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Never Put Yourself In A Wax

Forget about disagreement,
Never mind resentment,
Let's put on our performing customs,
and illustrate our talent in cosmos:
If I disguise myself as a tiger,
Would you match me as a lion?
If I turn myself into a rabbit,
Would you make yourself into a porcupine?
If I were to walk on tightrope,
Would you mind swinging on trapeze?
If I were morning,
Would you love to be evening?
Peace is opposite of wars,
Entertainment is the avenue to happiness of yours!
Join me for the fun and relax,
Never put yourself in a wax.