Wednesday, August 21, 2019

humor week 21, poetry form week 17, poetry and story inn fridays week 52

Here’s an attempt at an Awdl Gywydd poetry form:

Nature, by Robert Lee Brewer

When we visit kangaroos,
we go to the zoo and find
every animal we can
from toucans to colorblind
elephants and hyenas…
Arenas filled with lions
aren’t as fun as some may guess.
I confess: We were trying,
but that’s only nature’s way
of trying to say unsaid
things after the moment’s passed.
Alas, we live ’til we’re satisfied

Awdl Gywydd Poem forms

I love Welsh forms, because they tend to rhyme…and folks tend to ask me how to pronounce them. In this case, awdl gywydd is pronounced “ow-dull gee-youth.” Now, let’s look at the rules:
  • Four lines
  • Seven syllables per line
  • The final syllable of the first and third lines rhyme with the 3rd-5th syllable of the following lines
  • The second and fourth lines rhyme.
Here’s a possible version (the a and c rhymes can slide a little):