Tuesday, November 27, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 33: the magic of distance

Poetry & Story Inn by Colin Yaccarino at Loyola Pagewell

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outside the city of mountain view
we see palm trees grow large
the woods is tall
the trees is handsome

towering groups
they push you higher and higher
you climb up to the mountain top
you see beautiful pacific ocean

on days when we forget about our focus
that is when we are labeled by a landmark
a year and an age ring
which is good for some Dr. Seuss Tin-Can

Image result for muir woods  trees hold breath

Image result for muir woods 

Image result for muir woods

Monday, November 12, 2018

short story slam week 102...

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Image result for annapolis montuwa

poets rally week 87, poetry and story inn fridays week 32, signs, signs on wine 11/7/2018

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wine is bottled poetry
no wine
no emotion

wine is good liquid
wine helps when we run low in life
a bottled poetry is a good focus at times

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Image result for wine and poetry 

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