Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday prompts, short story slam week 55, 56 fish, halloween, and autumn


 Image result for duck family
 Image result for duck family\

One God, under our nation
Not sure about what he needs?

One principle, that is true,
human and animal, we coexist

Deborah Cummins, personal friend,
the words you put out rain cats and frogs

many tracks porcelain flawed,
skyward rockets carry a few human to outer space

desired birthdays,
ancestral prayers mean weight of our wisdom

Jennifer and Morgan eat french bread,
skillet iron bar stirs the pot of flour mix

Just one God,
Just one belief

ducklings follow one mother
yet they sit else where minding a different generation

we believe in Oxygen
we believe in Olive Garden

We pray for Kerena Yan and Xiao Chen
We hope that Yingfang, Shezhi, Yizhi, Heyuan, Anzhi all join Megan and Bruce

Maxwell coffee
I sit, grinning at MIT science and Berkeley biology

 Image result for ji yan  Xiao Chen and Kerana Xu

Image result for ji yan

Whirligig 82

THIS WEEK'S WORDS come from "Just One God" by Deborah Cummins: many, track, skyward, porcelain, flawed, birth, desire, ancestral, prayer, morning, bread, skillet


O is for Olive Garden

  Image result for olive garden 

Image result for oxygen
short story slam week 55 writing prompt: 

  Image result for oxygen  
Image result for october halloween clipart